Posted by: qmarvin | April 27, 2009

Building up, Real Estate in the Clouds

A skirmish between tech groups recently sparked harsh feeling when Microsoft and Amazon said that they would not going to join a group of technology companies in signing a “manifesto” outlining broad technology goals to make assure cloud computing remains an open market – allowing customers to move their data freely between different suppliers. Rather than be help back by a written agreement signed now, that could slow progress and development of cloud computing, Microsort and Amazon chose not to agree with IBM and some other companies in attempts to somewhat regulate the future of cloud computing. Amazon also said it would not back the manifesto, stating “the best way to illustrate openness and customer flexibility is by what you actually provide to customers.” The language of the leaked report spoke as if the talks broke down because of the two companies reluctancy to agree on all aspects in the “manifesto”, but Microsoft and Amazon both said they fully supported the basic objectives of openness set out in the manifesto.

Posted by: qmarvin | April 22, 2009

Journalist get social

Ulitzer is a new social networking website for journalist, that allow them to submit stories and articles and lets the traffic and hits decide what people are reading and talking about. It is completely free for anyone, and if you’re good enough as a blogger you could even get 100% revenue from Google AdSense so you could see how this would be appealing to journalist in general as the industry slips further into the grasp of the web. Once joining the site you get a page to oneself to organize, edit, and further develop stories and topics that interest you. Ulitzer was designed to replace Wikipedia to be more user friendly, like Facebook to Myspace or Google to Yahoo, the idea is simple and broad but may just work. Ulitzer could possibly be the new way that we present news to consumers in a blog like interactive fashion.

Posted by: qmarvin | April 8, 2009

Get your head in the cloud

Just think, you have a laptop and wireless internet conection, the possiblities are almost endless, you are free to roam and compute, this is how life should be. But the only limitations are your data storage space, you can only run the programs you have installed and saved to your hard drive, you can only access files you have. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could store big files we need else where and just grab them when we need them, or have some website carry a software and you just get on and use it, no installiation. This is the future of computing, this is cloud computing. Eventually we will turn our computers on to no Microsoft or Unix operating system, but instead to the internet, a world wide common OS that we will if not currently all be connected to. We would not need a Limewire for P2P, no Skype or Aim for instant messaging, the need for software to place us on a common medium will no longer exist. Downloading bulky programs to run on computers will stop, instead people will go to product websites to use programs saved on servers at huge data centers, rather than taking up huge amounts of space. Everything is all up in the air, in a ‘cloud’, and you get what you need when you need it.

Posted by: qmarvin | March 11, 2009

America, Stupid on Smart Grids

People claim they want the U.S to be more energy dependent and energy efficient, but we do not to seem to be in any hurry. While we do need a substitution for oil as a fossil fuel, we also need a smart grid to replace the older current power grid America is currently using. A smart grid will provide greater power efficiency, enhanced to better withstand natural disasters, and better equipped to handle system disturbances. But Americans are not ready to pay for a new power grid yet, and some say it may take money the size of the stimulus to actually convert us over to a new system. We need a grid that is more flexible and able to withstand the demands of the 21 century.

Posted by: qmarvin | March 3, 2009

50 Billion for Green Technology

Washington, D.C-The Senate’s $790 billion version of the bill has $50 billion for energy related spending. Information from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office shows how it breaks down.

$5 billion to weatherize homes of up to 1 million low-income people.
$11 billion toward smart-grid technologies to run the power grid more efficiently.
$13.9 billion in loans to subsidize renewable-energy projects and transmission.
$6.3 billion in state energy-efficient and clean-energy grants.
$4.5 billion to make federal buildings more energy efficient

What is sad is 50 Billion still may not be enough. It’s about time that we get started on a new power grid for the nation, considering present one is being stretch way beyond its limits. The biggest and most important of all of them all is the $13.9 billion that is devoted to renewable energy projects, which will determine the future of our oil and gas businesses. The $6.3 billion for energy-efficient clean energy is a good amount for further development for energy sources that can have lesser effects on global warming. The recurring themes on the energy portion of the bill is efficiency. The continuous need for clean energy will drive our energy sector of our economy.

Posted by: qmarvin | February 23, 2009

The Future: Nanobots

Would you like for me to be able to control you? Do you know what neurons are? Although I’m sure that you would not like for one to have the ability to control you, but (in theory) by way of nanobots, neurons (responsive cells in the nervous system) that send signals to the brain, can be replaced by nanobots. Nanobots are small microscopic size robots, that could technically be smart enough to replicate or repair themselves. Now looking from a scientific prospective this seems good, being able to not only repair, but to have the ability to replace a nerve with something similar or better. But when speaking of mind control, this would be major component in the progress, being that nanobots can be programed, one can have a “trojan horse” effect and trigger a response when wanted.
